
  • Product Specification

    The consumption of gelatin in food manufacturing varies depending on the specific applications and the types of food products being produced. Gelatin is a versatile ingredient, and its usage is widespread across various food categories. Gelatin is a versatile ingredient widely used in the food and dairy industries for its unique properties as a gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, and emulsifier. Here are some common food manufacturing segments where gelatin is often used:

  • Gelatin in Food and Dairy Industries

    Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen, often obtained from the skin, bones, and connective tissues of animals, typically cattle or pigs. It is a versatile ingredient with a wide range of applications in various industries, including food, dairy, and beyond. Here are some common uses of gelatin in these industries:

    Food Industry:

    Gelling Agent: Gelatin is widely known for its gelling properties. It is used in the production of gummy candies, fruit gels, and desserts to create a firm yet elastic texture.

    Jellies and Gel Desserts: Gelatin is a key ingredient in making traditional gel desserts such as gelatin salads, fruit gelatin desserts, and molded desserts.

    Marshmallows and Confections: Gelatin is used in the production of marshmallows and other confections to provide a soft and chewy texture.

    Yogurt and Dairy Products: In the dairy industry, gelatin is often used in the production of yogurt, custards, and certain dairy-based desserts to improve texture and mouthfeel.

    Stabilizing Agent: Gelatin is used as a stabilizing agent in various food products, including whipped creams and mousses, to prevent syneresis (the separation of liquid from a gel or solid) and maintain product stability.

    Bakery Products: Gelatin can be used in some bakery products, like cheesecakes and certain fillings, to enhance texture and provide stability.

    Dairy Industry:

    Yogurt Production: Gelatin is used in the production of yogurt to improve the texture and thickness, providing a creamy and smooth consistency.

    Desserts and Puddings: Gelatin is utilized in the production of dairy-based desserts and puddings to create a gel-like texture and improve mouthfeel.

    Other Industries:

    Pharmaceuticals: Gelatin is used to make capsules for pharmaceuticals. It provides a convenient and effective way to deliver medications in a solid form.

    Photography: In traditional photography, gelatin is used in the emulsion layer of photographic films and papers to hold light-sensitive silver halide crystals.

    Cosmetics: Gelatin can be found in some cosmetic and personal care products, such as face masks and hair treatments, where it may contribute to texture and formulation stability.

    Medical Applications: Gelatin is used in certain medical applications, including the production of surgical sponges and as a component in some wound dressings.

    It's important to note that for food and pharmaceutical applications, there is also a demand for alternative gelling agents, such as agar-agar, pectin, and carrageenan, especially in products targeted at vegetarian or vegan consumers. The choice of the gelling agent depends on the specific requirements of the product and its intended market.

    QC & Certifications:

    Products KOSHER, HALAL,ISO2200 and ISO9001 certified

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