Xanthan Gum

  • Product Specification

    Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide that is commonly used as a thickening and stabilizing agent in various industries. It is produced through the fermentation of sugars by the Xanthomonas campestris bacterium. The resulting gum has unique rheological properties, making it valuable in a wide range of applications.

  • Food Industry:

    Thickening and Stabilizing: Xanthan gum is widely used in the food industry to thicken and stabilize a variety of products, including sauces, dressings, gravies, and dairy products. It helps improve the texture and prevent ingredient separation.
    Gluten-Free Baking: In gluten-free baking, xanthan gum is often added to mimic the binding and elastic properties of gluten, providing structure and texture to bread, cakes, and other baked goods.

    Beverage Industry:

    Suspension and Emulsification: Xanthan gum is employed to enhance the stability of suspensions and emulsions in beverages, such as fruit juices, soft drinks, and dairy-based drinks.

    Cosmetics and Personal Care Products:

    Emulsion Stability: Xanthan gum is used in cosmetics and personal care items like lotions and creams to stabilize emulsions, providing a consistent texture and preventing phase separation.


    Viscosity Control: In pharmaceutical formulations, xanthan gum is used as a viscosity modifier to control the thickness of liquids, including oral suspensions and topical formulations.

    Oil and Gas Industry:

    Drilling Fluids: Xanthan gum is utilized in the oil and gas industry as a component of drilling fluids. It helps control the viscosity of the fluid, preventing settling of drill cuttings and facilitating the drilling process.


    Spray Adjuvants: Xanthan gum is added to some agrochemical formulations, such as herbicides and pesticides, to improve their sprayability and adhesion to plant surfaces.

    Water Treatment:

    Thickening Agent: Xanthan gum is used in water treatment processes as a thickening agent. It aids in the separation of solids from liquids in wastewater treatment.

    Textile Industry:

    Printing and Sizing: Xanthan gum can be employed in the textile industry for printing and sizing processes, helping to control the viscosity of solutions used in these applications.

    Xanthan gum's versatility, stability, and ability to work in a wide range of conditions have contributed to its widespread adoption across these diverse industries.

    QC & Certifications:

    Products KOSHER, HALAL,ISO2200 and ISO9001 certified

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